People of Hitachi: Dylan Johnson

People of Hitachi  |  June 14, 2024

At Hitachi Vantara Federal, our people make us great. We recently sat down with Dylan Johnson, Inside Sales Representative for Hitachi Vantara Federal, for a look at his role, insights and perspectives on the company culture, and his career advice.

What’s your background and role within Hitachi Vantara Federal?

My background is in Inside Sales, and my current role is as an Inside Sales Representative for Hitachi Vantara Federal.

What does Hitachi Vantara Federal look like on the inside?

My favorite part about working for HVF would be the people and the atmosphere. There is genuine excitement and a belief in our offerings, and the people are all happy and excited to see everyone. My day-to-day experience here includes a lot of smiling – I work alongside some very jovial people.

That being said, this is also an incredibly hard working group of people. Everyone in this organization strives to meet each of Hitachi Vantara Federal’s values of Trust, Agility, and Excellence daily. You need a task done, they’ll do it. An “impassible” problem pops up, they’ll solve it. Each person only strives to be the best in their role and that only brings everyone else up.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to work in federal technology?

The greatest lesson I have learned in my career is to measure twice, cut once. Find out what problems people are encountering and then work with them to communicate your value in how you can solve it – rather than leading with a pitch and hoping it resonates with them.